TRIGA Reactor
The centerpiece of the Nuclear Engineering & Science Center is a 1 megawatt TRIGA (Testing, Research, Isotopes, General Atomics) reactor, an open “swimming pool”-type research reactor cooled by natural convection, providing passive and inherent safety.

Radiochemistry Lab
The radiochemistry lab has a handling cell to allow for remote handling of highly radioactive samples, a glove box for handling lower level samples in a contained environment, and several fume hoods.
Neutron Activation Analysis and Counting Lab
Samples may be quickly transferred between the reactor and the counting laboratory through a pneumatic transfer system. The counting lab contains four high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors, as well as advanced gamma spectroscopy software for trace isotope identification, which allows for analysis down to parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb).

Nuclear Electronics and Machine Shops
On-site electronics and machine shops are available for custom fabrication of prototype equipment and electronics for researchers and students.