Conference Presentations
- Newstead, J. (2017). Accelerator and reactor complementarity in coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering. arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.03521.
- Nica, N., Hardy, J. C., Iacob, V. E., Werke, T. A., Folden III, C. M., Pineda, L., & Trzhaskovskaya, M. B. (2016 ). “Test of internal-conversion theory with a measurement in 111Cd.” In ND 2016: International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, EPJ Web of Conferences (Vol. 146, p. 10004). EDP Sciences. Bruges, Belgium. September 11-16, 2016
- McDeavitt, S. M., & Winston, S. (2015). “Advanced Materials Workshop: Transcending Incrementalism.” Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (United States). June 23-24, 2015.
- Zheng, W. & McClarren, R.G. (2015). “On Variable Selection and Effective Estimations of Interactive and Quadratic Sensitivity Coefficients: A Collection of Regularized Regression Techniques.” ANS MC2015 – Joint International Conference on Mathematics and Computation (M&C), Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA) and the Monte Carlo (MC) Method. Nashville, TN (United States). April 19-23, 2015.
- Peddicord, K. L. (2014). “The Nuclear Power Institute Programs for Human Resource Development for the Nuclear Industry” (No. IAEA-CN-215). International Conference on Human Resource Development for Nuclear Power Programmes: Building and Sustaining Capacity. Vienna (Austria). May 12-16, 2014.
- Škoda, R. (2014). “AGN-201M: Using Low Power Training Reactors in Education” (V006T12A003). Proceedings of the 2014 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Prague, Czech Republic. July 7–11, 2014. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Zheng, W., & McClarren, R. G. (2014, September). “Effective physics-based uncertainty quantification for ZrHx thermal neutron scattering in TRIGA reactors.” In PHYSOR 2014 – The Role of Reactor Physics toward a Sustainable Future (Vol. 109, pp. 743-745). Kyoto, Japan. September 28 – October 3, 2014.
- Aghara, S. K., Faruk, M. G., & Vasudevan, L. (2012, June). “Development of Undergraduate Research Infrastructure in the Energy Engineering at Prairie View A&M University.” In 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. 25-467). San Antonio, TX (United States). June 10-13, 2012.
- Johns, J. M., & Reece, W. D. (2012, July). “A New Approach to Calculating Fuel Temperature in TRIGA Mark I Research Reactors.” In International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (Vol. 44977, pp. 631-637). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Johns, J. M., & Tsvetkov, P. V. (2012). “Development of TRIGA-based experimental device for fiber optics in-core instrumentation testing for VHTRs.” In PHYSOR 2012- Advances in Reactor Physics- Linking Research, Industry, and Education. La Grange Park, IL (United States).
- Peddicord, K. L. (2012). “Coordination of university, vocational school, high school and industry: Education and training for nuclear power.” International Conference on Human Resource Development for Introducing and Expanding Nuclear Power Programmes. Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). March 14-18, 2010.
- Mireles, O., Shin, E., Bowman, C., & Vasudevan, L. (2010). “Mixed Neutron and Gamma-Ray Exposure Testing of Stirling-Alternator Candidate Organic Materials.” In the 8th Annual International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. Nashville, TN (United States). July 25-28, 2010.
- Meyer, D. M., & Woolstenhulme, E. C. (2008). “US domestic reactor conversion program” (No. INIS-US–08N0001). 2007 International meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR). Prague, Czech Republic. September 23-27, 2007.
- Plummer, M., Peddicord, L., Davis, J., Bittle, C., & Poston, J. (2008, June). “Preparing For Expanding The Nuclear Work Force In Texas.” In the 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. 13-997), Pittsburgh, PA (United States).–3487
- Woolstenhulme, E. (2008). “US Domestic Reactor Conversion Programs” (No. INIS-FR–08-1293). World TRIGA Users Conference. Lyon (France). September 7-10, 2008.
- Hsu, W., Reece, W. D., & Smith, J. (2007). “Production progress and development of distance education modules at Texas A&M University, Nuclear Science Center in 2006.” Paper presented at the CONTE 2007: Conference on Nuclear Training and Education. Jacksonville, FL (United States). February 4 – 7, 2007.
- Lacy, J. L., Athanasiades, A., Shehad, N. N., Martin, C. S., & Sun, L. (2006, October). “Performance of 1 meter straw detector for high rate neutron imaging.” In 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (Vol. 1, pp. 20-26). San Diego, CA (United States). October 29-November 4, 2006.
- Athanasiades, A., Shehad, N. N., Martin, C. S., Sun, L., & Lacy, J. L. (2005, October). “Straw detector for high rate, high resolution neutron imaging.” In IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2005 (Vol. 2, pp. 623-627). IEEE.
- Charlton, W. S., & Woddi, V. T. (2004). “Reactor-Accelerator Coupled Experiments (RACE): A Feasibility Study at TAMU.” Paper presented at the PHYSOR 2004 -The Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems: Global Developments. Chicago, IL (United States). April 25-29, 2004.
- Gutteridge, J. (2004). ”Changes in Nuclear Engineering Education”. US Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (US).
- Hsu, W., & Dan, R., W. (2004). “Monte Carlo approach in director MX for distance education systems.” Paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting – American Nuclear Society. Pittsburgh, PA (United States). June 13 – 17 2004.
- Sanchez-Vega, M., Hardy, J. C., Iacob, V. E., Mayes, V. E., Neilson, R., Willis, D., & Xiao, Y. (2000). “Decay of 180mHf as a (-ray Calibration Source.” NATO Advanced Study Institute: Nuclei far from Stability and Astrophysics. Predeal (Romania). August 28 – September 8, 2000. Available electronically from
- Andoh, M. (1999). “The recent measurements of delayed neutron emission from minor actinide isotopes conducted at Texas A&M University.” Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Specialist’ Meeting on Delayed Neutron Nuclear Data, 28-29 Jan. 19, 21-8
- Van Dalsen, D. J. (1998). “Wafer and bulk high-purity silicon trace element analysis at the Texas A&M University Nuclear Science Center.” Paper presented at the 1998 International Conference, (449) 897-900.
- Bigler, M.A., & Parish, T.A. (1996). “Core performance calculations for the TAMU research reactor based on FLIP and GA LEU 30-20 fuel.” International conference on the physics of reactors, Sep 16-20, 1996, PHYSOR96, vol 2, (p. 673). Japan
- Bigler, M.S., & Parish, T.A. (1996).” Physics design calculations for the TAMU research reactor using GA LEU 30-20 fuel.” Annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society, Jun 16-20, 1996. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, vol 74, p.337-338.
- Charlton, W. S., Parish, T. A., Raman, S., Shinohara, N., & Andoh, M. (1996). “Delayed neutron emission measurements from fast fission of U-235 and Np-237” (No. CONF-960924-6). PHYSOR 96: international conference on the physics of reactors, Mito (Japan), September 16-20, 1996.
- Carlisle, B. S., Johns, R. C., & Hassan, Y. A. (1994). “Two-phase fluid flow measurements in small diameter channels using real-time neutron radiography” (No. INIS-XA-N–081). The Fourth International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety. Taipei, Taiwan (China). April 5-8, 1994.
- Krohn, J. L., Reuscher, J.A., & Khalil, N.S. (1990). “Multiple experiment applications with a beam port” (INIS-US–09N0043). U.S. TRIGA Users Conference. Austin, TX (United States). March 11-14, 1990.
- Rajalakshmi, M J, & Reuscher, J A. (1990) “Reduced enrichment neutronics evaluation for Texas A&M’s TRIGA reactor.” American Nuclear Society (ANS) Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN (United States). June 10-14, 1990.
- Zeigler, J., & Carcagno, R. (1989, March). “Lifetime of passive quench protection diodes in the SSC.” In Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference. Accelerator Science and Technology (pp. 509-511). Chicago, IL (United States). March 20-23, 1989.
- Zeigler, J., Carcagno, R., & Weichold, M. (1987, March). ” Experimental Measurements of Radiation Damage to Power Diodes at Cryogenic Temperatures. In Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (Vol. 1537).
- Krohn, J. L., Feltz, D. E., & Khalil, N. S. (1986). “Software development for research reactors” (No. INIS-US–09N0265). Biennial U.S. TRIGA Users Conference. College Station, TX (United States). April 6-9 1986.
- Young, H. H., Brown, K. R., & Matos, J. E. (1986). “Conversion and standardization of university reactor fuels using low-enrichment uranium: Plans and schedules” (No. CONF-861185–5). Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) program international meeting. Gatlinburg, TN (USA). November 3-6, 1986.
- Feltz, D. E., & Rogers, R. D. (1984). “Resumption of pulsing the NSCR following the discovery of damaged fuel” (No. INIS-US–09N0074). Biennial U.S. TRIGA Users Conference. Anaheim, CA (United States). March 12-14, 1984.
- Rogers, R. D., & Willits, B. L. (1984). “Elapsed time measurements for transient rod withdrawal and peak pulse power for the NSCR” (No. INIS-US–09N0074). Biennial U.S. Triga Users’ Conference. Anaheim, CA (United States). March 12-14, 1984.
- Schlapper, G., Feltz, D. E., Head, J., & Holland, J. (1983). “Design, installation, and use of experimental facilities at the Texas A&M University Nuclear Science Center.” Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference on Reactor Operating Experience `Plant Startup and Operations in the ’80s’, 1-3 Aug. 19, 44(1) 8-9.
- Bates, E. F. (1980). “Experiences in the coordination and training of off-site support agencies for emergency planning” (No. INIS-US–09N0119). Biennial U.S. TRIGA Users Conference. San Diego, CA (United States). March 2-5, 1980.
- Walker, K.L., Randall, J.D., Feltz, D.E., & Taft, J. P. (1980). “Core modifications of the Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center reactor for improved commercial utilization.” Biennial U.S. TRIGA Users’ Conference. San Diego, CA (United States). March 2-5, 1980.
- Walker, K. L., & Bates, E. F. (1980). “Firefighting training for nuclear facility personnel” (No. INIS-US–09N0119). Biennial U.S. Triga Users’ Conference. San Diego, CA (United States). March 2-5, 1980.
- Bailey, R. W., Hajek, B. K., & Hickey, J. M. (1979). “Instrument and control technician training for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station.” Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Training of Nuclear Facility Personnel. Gatlinburg, TN (United States). April 29 – May 2, 1979.
- Walker, K.L., Bates, E.F., & Randall, J.D. (1979). “Course in fire protection training for nuclear power plant personnel” (CONF-790404). Proceedings of the Third Symposium on the Training on Nuclear Facility Personnel. Gatlinburg, TN (United States). April 29 – May 2, 1979.
- Browning, B. J., Feltz, D. E., Schumacher, R. F., Randall, J. D., & Bates, E. F. (1978). “A system for documentation and accountability of reactor services” (No. INIS-US–09N0149). TRIGA Owners’ Conference. Corvallis, OR (United States). Feb 26 – 2 March 2, 1978.
- Bates, E. F., Feltz, D. E., Sandel, P. S., & Schoenbucher, B. (1974). “Loading procedures for shipment of irradiated fuel” (No. INIS-US–09N0328). TRIGA Owners’ Conference. Albuquerque, NM (United States). February 25-27, 1974.
- Randall, J.D., Feltz, D.E., Godsey, T.A., & Schumacher, R.F. (1974). “Improvement in operating characteristics resulting from the addition of FLIP fuel to a standard TRIGA core” (CONF-7410123). Third European conference of TRIGA users. Neuherberg, F.R. (Germany). October 29, 1974.
- Randall, J. D., Wood, G. C., & Edwards, M. A. (1974). “A study of power fluctuations in a flip fuel reactor using the technique of noise analysis” (No. INIS-US–09N0328). TRIGA Owners’ Conference. Albuquerque, NM (United States). February 25-27, 1974.
- Schumacher, R.F., Godsey, T.A., Feltz, D.E., & Randall, J.D. (1974). “Performance testing of a mixed TRIGA core” (INIS-US–09N0328). TRIGA Owners’ Conference. Albuquerque, NM (United States). February 25-27, 1974.
- Sandel, P. S., & Bates, E. F. (1972, February). “Health physics procedures for in situ modifications of a hot grid plate” (No. INIS-US–09N0217). TRIGA Owners’ Conference. College Station, TX (United States). February 21-22, 1972.